
The Smart Lamp Speaker by emoi is a cool new Kickstarter that combines the best of many worlds

Smart Lamp Speaker by emoiI love nifty ideas, and the Smart Lamp Speaker by emoi is one idea that is particularly interesting. Combining traditional household devices like a touchlamp and Bluetooth speaker, the Smart Lamp Speaker puts a new spin on multi-purpose accessories. Using its companion app, the Smart Lamp Speaker can also have its music controller remotely as well as control the brightness of the lamp itself. It can even be set up to be used as an alarm clock, playing music to wake you from your slumber.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, emoi is offering the Smart Lamp Speaker at a discount during its Kickstarter campaign which is live now. The standard retail price of the Smart Lamp Speaker is going to be $100 USD, but for backers of the campaign, the price of one Speaker will be lowered to $69 USD. At the time of writing this article, the campaign has accrued $4,523 of its $50,000 target, with 30 days left. If this project takes your fancy, be sure to check out the link below.

What do you think about the Smart Lamp Speaker by emoi? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Kickstarter