
Social Network and RSS feeds meet in one location, meet Streamified

WAY back in December of last year we came across a company building an app called Streamified. We read about it, we signed up for it and then …. Nothing. Until just last week. We received an email and a little info on when it was finally coming to Android. That is today by the way.

What is Streamified?

Streamified is your single source location for all your Social Network feeds and custom RSS feeds. You can connect Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Tumblr, LinkIn, Instagram, Google Reader, Blogs and much much more. It connects and pulls together all of these into one slick timeline that lets you see everything that is happening everywhere in chronological order. It is all laid out for you in an easy to view and easy to use journal style stream. You can bookmark certain posts to read later and any service that can be utilized, liked, retweet or shared is available. You can change from all feeds to just certain ones that you want to catch up on.

It really is your one stop shop source for all the information and personal connection needs.

Streamified takes it one step further besides providing a great application on your device for keeping in the know. You can install an extension to Chrome or Firefox or load it up in Mac and on the PC. Using the same login credentials you use on the app, will give you all the same wonderful feeds you have set up directly on your PC. They even kept the same look and feel from the app on our devices, on the PC version. Pretty nice actually.

The team and I had a chance to play about with app a few days ahead of launch. We were all really impressed with it and how much was already built-in. We dug in as much as we could and found a few things that could make the experience better though. After all, that is what we kinda do right? The Streamified team was quick to respond and accepted suggestions and feed back very well. We helped point out a few things that you guys never had to experience and even got added into the Technology list. So be sure to follow us on Streamified after you get the app installed.

Now, on to a few things that we are sure some of you will point out. First issue, which is not their fault, is Google +. Since Google has yet to release the API for 3rd part development and integration, Streamified can only pull and show public read-only posts. Similar issue with Pinterest. Again, something that Streamified has no control over yet. If they ever release those API’s for better integration, we know they will be jumping on the inclusion of them. If you find anything wrong, or anything you want added or changed, be sure to let them know.

On to a few other little details that we are sure you find wonderful and useful. There is a setting inside that lets you adjust how often the app pulls your feeds based on your connection type. Since many of us will fill this thing full of blogs and various social networks, we knew that adjusting this was an important function. You can adjust the frequency of the updates on a cellular connection and on Wi-Fi. Not only can this help you conserve battery, but also save some valuable data on your plan.

The app has a free version, a Premium version and a Pro Version. Each one offers a little bit more than the previous. For instance, the free version doesn’t give you a way to update the feed manually, provide themes or offer collaboration. The premium version gives you access to manual feed refresh, various themes and Google Analytics. While the pro version offers up the collaboration aspect. The premium version will run you $10.00 while the pro version will set you back $80. We imagine the collaboration feature does quite a lot for businesses owners and employees, we don’t think a standard feed junkie will need it.

If you want to check out this awesome new app you can for free in the Play Store. The free version does offer quite a lot and even with the absence of manual feed updating, it is pretty powerful and easy to use. Feel free to click or scan the QR code below and have at it.

Application: Streamified
Developer: Streamified Inc
Cost: FREE