
Something big coming tomorrow for Google TV

Hip hip hooray!! That is about I can say about the small little announcement that Google TV made on their official Facebook page. Seems they are about to make a couple of announcements that might make all our Google TV lives a little better than they already are. The statement made doesn’t lead us to make any real assumptions though. The message is rather vague and just leaves us waiting till tomorrow. What did they leave on their page? Well, the following message.

What ever could it be? It could be the mystery entertainment device, but we doubt it. That seems more centered on audio than the likes of a Google TV platform. It could be some huge contract deals to bring us more content finally, or maybe it will be an Ice Cream Sandwich update. I would love to see ICS make its way to the TV. It would tie the phones, tablets and TV’s together as one and make Android a true powerhouse. No matter what it is, I hope it truly is ‘BIG’ and makes a positive impact. If they are announcing more Google TV devices that are coming to market, I will be a little disappointed. Rest assured, what ever it is, as soon as we see it we will let you know.

Source: The Verge