
Somewhat unlikely: Samsung Galaxy S7 to battle the Apple iPhone 6S in second half of 2015

We rarely like to rule out rumours too early just in case they do actually happen, but this one seems a little ludicrous (although the reasons do hold some water). According to Newsis, Samsung is readying the Samsung Galaxy S7 to battle the Apple iPhone 6S, which is expected to released at the end of September. This would put the Galaxy S7 in the same release timeframe as the Galaxy Note 5, Samsung’s other flagship device, and the idea that these devices would be released together seems unlikely and more of a detriment to Note 5 sales than a benefit, but who really knows.

On the flip side, preparing a flagship device to release alongside, or even before, the Apple iPhone 6S could be a stroke of genius though we wonder what that would genuinely do for Samsung’s market share against Apple’s – it would presumably be detrimental to Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge sales which are on track to reach 45 million. All the same, we’ll have to put this rumours aside until we hear some other news to corroborate it.

What do you think about Samsung releasing a Samsung Galaxy S7 in the second half of this year? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Newsis via Phone Arena