
Sony Ericsson X10 video unboxing and demo

John Walton over at DroidDog is one lucky man.  Arriving at his door was the FedEx man with a nice package containing a Sony Ericsson X10 review unit.

First thing he did was pull out his video camera and start recording his first experiences with the the sleek new device.

Still based on  Android 1.6, the Sony Ericsson X10 is behind in the OS front but the additional interface enhancements Sony Ericsson have added kinda make up for the OS downfalls.  Still, there are rumors that the Android version will be updated by Sony Ericsson eventually.

First looks are real nice.  With a custom Blue theme, the screen appears to pop and the bright display just helps to enhance the experience.

Check out the video below and be sure to head to over to John post and give some love.

Source: DroidDog