
Sony NSZ-GS7 (Google TV) finally gets Google Play Movies & TV app Access

It is about damn time. That is all we have to say about that one. Looks like the most recent Sony Google TV box now has access to install the Google Play Movies and TV app. This marks the first Google TV set-top box to receive support for the application and service. One would have though that Google would have got this working on all set-top boxes already, but with the build of the Q, which was pulled for a short time, seems Google thought they should get the app working somewhere.

As you all should know by now, the Google Play Movies & TV app lets you play your rented and purchases movies from the Play Store. A novel idea to be able to do that on your TV with your set-top box instead of always having to connect your phone or tablet.

You can install it easily to your box right from the web-based Play Store. Just hit the link below and select your Sony NSZ-GS7  device and you are off to the races. Also, reading through some of the comments on Google TV Friends post about this awesome new addition, Marvin Cox mentions support for his NSX-40GT1, which is the first gen Sony box, but a later comment from Denys says it would install but not work.

For those of you that went with the Vizio Co-Star due to price or what have you, you will also be pleased to know the app works for you too. You won’t be able to pull it directly off the Play Store though. You will have to side load it. Head to Google TV Friends G+ page to get in on the discussion, and you can download the Google Play Movies & TV from their feed for your Co-Star.

Install – Google Play Movies & TV

Source: Google TV Friends