• News
  • 1 August, 2013

Sony Releases Financial Figures, Mobile Grows By 36 Percent

sonySome of you may have read my article early last month that postulated that Sony was on the up and up by adopting HTC’s forgotten mantra, that is, to be “quietly brilliant”.  Well, from the the earnings report Sony just gave, that strategy is starting to pay off as the revenue increase that the Mobile Products & Communications segment experienced was a massive 36.2%. This huge boost in sales is obviously driven mostly by a lot more smartphones sold as well as the average price of smartphones increasing. With the super-solid Xperia Z and now the Xperia Z Ultra in its back pocket, Sony has one of the most intriguing line-ups in the industry and it’s clearly pay off.

Sony as an entire company managed to increase its revenue by 13%, proving that the tech giant is back on its way up after somewhat of a funk, and with the PS4 due out later this year, as well as leaks and rumours for the Sony Honami heating up, Sony looks like it’s in a really good place for the next few quarters.

What do you think of Sony’s fortunes, both present and future? Think it will last? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Sony via engadget