
Sony Wants To Be The 3rd Largest Handset Vendor In Less Than 10 Years

sonySony has been making waves in the smartphone world in the last few months with premium products like its Xperia Z Ultra and its newest flagship, the Xperia Z1. Rumour has it that Sony is also following up the Z1 with a mini-version called the Xperia Z1 f which is purported to be running the same processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 as the fully-fledged Z1. So it’s no surprise that with all these premium devices being released that Sony is aiming pretty high on the smartphone chain, no. 3 to be exact, according to Sony Mobile’s head of sales and marketing, Dennis van Schie.

When asked what time-frame this goal is planned to be realized, van Schie replied that it was “not in 10 year’s time, but a lot sooner”. In terms of numbers, Sony is aiming to capture at least 20% of the market, but as Sony currently has between 6.5% and 7% of the market share, it looks like it could be a bit of a climb before that happens.

A few things look to be working in Sony’s favour, though: apart from it’s range of new products, Sony is carrying massive momentum as it managed to increase its mobile revenue by 36.2% in the financial quarter finishing in July. Another thing Sony is hoping to improve is its product’s availability and marketing in India, China and the U.S. according to van Schie. We’ll still have to see if Sony can pull it off, but it seems like they have a sound plan. What are your thoughts about Sony’s plans to become third biggest handset manufacturer?

Source: WSJ via Xperia Blog