
*Spark: Yet another Home replacement app, only Different

*Spark is another home replacement app that was just released yesterday. It has a unique style and design to it that helps make it stand out from the rest of our options. The look and feel of this particular home screen reminds me of Motoblur in a way, but of course executed a little better.

I installed the latest version to give it a small test run on my Vibrant. I feel the app has a lot of potential for those of you that like all your information right on the home screen. Unfortunately it didn’t seem to run very smooth for me at first. Once I gave it time to load (about 5 minutes) and went through adding in my social networks and things, it seemed to run pretty well. If you plan to test it out, be sure to give a few minutes before you get frustrated.

If you want to give it a whirl feel free to pick up below as always and please let us know your thoughts. I know it is pretty new, so hopefully any kinks and issues can be resolved soon.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the *Spark application.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: *Spark
Developer: HipLogic Inc.
Cost: FREE