
Speedtest 3.0 Announced by Ookla, Coming This Week With UI Overhaul

Speedtest3.0Ookla has finally announced an upcoming overhaul of their popular and widely used Speedtest app. While Speedtest has always been easy to use, effective, and useful, it hasn’t exactly been, well, pretty. On most devices, including my Nexus 4, Speedtest really only utilizes a small area of the screen, with an ugly black border surrounding it, as seen below. Considering that the Nexus 4 is on the smaller end of the spectrum in terms of screen size, I can only imagine how it would look on a device like the Note 3. The picture that Ookla shared on their Twitter page today, though, shows a much needed upgrade with an edge to edge display, bright and colorful new speed gauge, and revamped menu buttons.


Ookla’s current Speedtest app, ugly black border and all.

Ookla hasn’t said anything concerning a tablet UI, but hopefully they had the foresight to make it happen. As some may note, the updated Speedtest app will look exactly the same as what is already available on the iPhone. I’ve had some problems plague Speedtest in the past, whether it’s finding a server, holding a connection to it long enough to conduct the test, or even getting the app to launch period, so performance tweaks would also be welcome, by both myself and others. The updated Speedtest should be available by the end of the week, so keep an eye on the Play Store. It could drop any time.

Source: Twitter