
Spotify ‘Extreme’ streaming setting coming to Android Soon

Spotify is one of many amazing streaming music services available to Android, iOS, PC and more. It offers a huge collection of music at just the touch of a button. I personally sit here writing these stories up for you guys and listen to Spotify FREE on my PC. I would be lost without it really. Although I may not care to purchase the premium version so I can listen on the go, that’s what Google Music is for, I can still appreciate the need for great sound.

Currently under your streaming settings you have two options. Low Bandwidth, which is 96kbps and High Quality, which is 160kbps. If you have an ear for music, then you can easily tell the difference between the two settings. A true audiophile rocking a pair of higher quality headphones, instead of the ones that came in the box, knows that neither of those two settings give you the experience you want. Luckily that is all about to change.

Spotify has been working to bring even better sound to your mobile device and they already have it running on iOS. The new additional setting will be labeled simply as Extreme. This will offer you a full 320kbps stream. That is the highest bit rate available in an MP3 container. This should dramatically improve the quality of the music you count on every day for survival. The Windows Phone and Android updates are on their way, but I don’t have a time line. Be on the look out for the app to alert you of an update and let us know.

Source: Afterdawn