
Sprint and Motorola Announce XPRT and Titanium, Business Class Phones

As we know Android devices attempt take on competitors at every front, so it was no surprise when phones like the Motorola Droid Pro rolled out sporting the same candy-bar form and qwerty keyboard styling of the infamous Blackberry line. These particular phones are not directed towards the normal everyday users rather the business call individuals. Today Sprint and Motorola introduce two new devices to this market, the Motorola XPRT, and Titanium.

The Motorola Titanium (on the right) is the newest rendition of the ever popular Motorola i1. This new device will running on the sprint netwrok and make  use of Nextel’s iDEN puch-to-talk service. Coupled with the phones rugged construction which protects against “dust, shock, vibration, low pressure, solar radiation, high temperature and low temperature,” this phone is capable of handling business in almost any environment. The Motorola Titanium will be equipped with Android 2.1 Eclair, 3.1-inch HVGA touchscreen display, five-megapixel camera with 4x zoom and flash and all the normal goodies you’ve come to expect like GPS, Bluetooth, and WiFi.

Motorola XPRT is the more refined of the two devices lacking the outdoorsman-like construction and packing a bit more horsepower. It will be equipped with a Android 2.2 overlayed with the latest version of MOTOBLUR, 3.2-inch HVGA touchscreen display, 1GHZ processor with 512MB of RAM and 2GB of ROM, and will also include the normal features available on other Android devices.

You can expect to see the XPRT starting June 5th for $129.99 with a new two year contract or upgrade. Availability for the Titanium has not yet been announced as Sprint seems to be holding out for a later date.


Source: Pocket Now