
Sprint Galaxy Nexus Jelly Bean update confirmed, not hitting devices just yet Though

Yesterday we caught wind of an email that went out to business support for Sprint alerting them of an update to the Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S 4G. Both devices were said to be getting a Jelly Bean update today. When we didn’t see anyone in the Sprint forums for either device talking about getting the update yet, we thought we should dig in and see if any new information has been posted. Luckily, there was. We came across a support page for the Galaxy Nexus that lists Jelly Bean 4.1.1 with version JRO03R listed as being released September 6th. That would be today if you didn’t know.

This means that the update is real and is coming. It will most likely start hitting devices soon across the nation, but as usual, could take a few days for all devices to get the update. You can always head to Settings > About Phone > System Updates > Check Now. No promises it will pull the OTA, but it never hurts to give it a whirl every so often. As soon as we start seeing others getting the update and successfully installing it we will let you know. Now of to see if we can confirm Jelly Bean for the Nexus S 4G.

Via Sprint Support