• News
  • 28 June, 2010

Sprint teasing Verizon and AT&T by showing of their EPICness!

Sprint recently announced their second flagship device, the Samsung Epic 4G, which is America’s second 4G capable handset. Sprint almost have 50 million customers, and after introducing the new powerful device like the EVO 4G, their customers are growing every single day, and I am pretty sure that the Epic 4G is going to do the same thing. The Epic 4G is expected to hit the shelves next month or so, and we all know that it’s a very strong device. Whenever we buy any smartphone, our aim is to buy the best and the most awesome, and Sprint made it easy for us to sort out that which one is the best. Sprint love teasing Verizon and AT&T by showing of their monsters. Sprint tease Big red and AT&T by comparing the EVO 4G and EPIC 4G with the iPhone 4, Droid Incredible, and the sexy monster Droid X. They show that their devices are more superior (we’ll see that soon). We should say thanks to Engadget who got their hands on the comparison chart. The chart also shows that the Epic 4G will feature the same $10 data plan that the EVO has.

So folks watch the chart, and don’t forget to mention your favorite device in the comment box !

Source: Engadget