
Sprint Tossing in $50 MediaHub Credit with Every Epic 4G Purchase

If you’ve been looking for another incentive to purchase the Sprint Epic 4G it looks like beginning Sunday, October 31st Sprint will be tossing in a $50 promotional code for new Epic 4G buyers to check out Samsung’s MediaHub application.

With Samsung’s MediaHub, users can rent and buy movies and TV shows to watch on their 4″ Super AMOLED display. As with any promotion there are some stipulations, but they’re not too bad. The stipulation are as follows:

  • The entire $50 gift must be used within 60 days of first activating the code.
  • All codes will expire on March 31, 2011.

This $50 incentive promotion is running from October 31st to January 8th, 2011 so you have some time if you’re looking to upgrade your device before then. Below is the promotional flyer.

Also, our friends at Androinica have been tipped that Samsung Galaxy Tab users will be receiving the same MediaHub love. Anyone looking to purchase an Epic 4G or Galaxy Tab in the next couple of months?

Via: Androinica