
Sprint user agent pops up with Samsung Galaxy S III, is anyone Surprised?

While everyone and their dog knows about the Samsung Galaxy S III, many of us are still waiting to see what will happen to the device on U.S. soil. We pretty much it won’t be toting the quad-core Exynos processor. U.S. carriers just don’t play nice with them yet. Some think the device is rather fugly. We like it, but we also know that won’t be the design of our models. We also know that all four of the major carriers will be getting one. When and with what spec’s is still to be determined. This summer has been mentioned multiple times, but that leaves a lot of room for who launches first and last.

There does seem to be a slight bit of information floating around about the S III as it pertains to Sprint. The devices user agent profile has recently appeared and leaves a clues in its wake. Obviously it is sporting a dual-core MSM8960. That is Qualcomm’s S4 processor found in the HTC One S and X here in the states. Pocketnow makes mention of the device having 16GB of storage, while we don’t see it in the image that was provided, we will take their word on that. That does bring up more questions though. There is a 32GB and soon to be a 64GB model of the S III. We wonder if the carriers have already duke it out for who is going to be exclusive for which memory version. While we think 16GB is plenty of storage since the S III retained the SD card slot, others will have issues with it.

While none of this news is anything new to many of you, at least it confirms it for others. It would still be nice if we could get the Exynos chipset though. I don’t need ultra fast 4G LTE speeds on my phone when I am not at home, I wish I had a choice that didn’t require full cost phone.

Source: PocketNow