
Sprint’s HTC Hero to Receive a Little Update Love, 30 FPS Lift Confirmed for Evo 4G

Holy OTA updates Batman! It looks like Sprint’s HTC Hero will be receiving an update as well as leaked internal communication surfaces. If you still rockone a Sprint Hero, you’ll be happy to know that the update version: 2.31.651.7 will address the following issues:

  • Dialer Sluggish issue
  • GPS Reboot issue

For you HTC Evo 4G owners that have been waiting for the 30 FPS cap to be lifted, your day has come, too. The update version: 3.29.651.5 will remove that frames per second cap that has been annoying many of you who did not opt to root your device and will also fix the GPS reboot issue.

If anyone else would like their device updated, so far we have 5 devices so let’s see what the rest of the day will bring.

Via: Android Central