
Step-by-Step Installation Guide to install Android on your iPhone !

If you are an iPhone user and you want to join the Android bandwagon but you can’t afford to buy yourself an awesome new Android phone then we have a solution for you. Yes folks ! you heard it right. We’ve previously seen videos and screenshots of Android running on iPhone, the one thing that was missing was a complete guide to installing Android on your iPhone.  Your wait is now over as the guys over at PCWorld have created a Step-by-Step guide entitled “How to Install Android on Your iPhone“.

There are still issues with the Android port created for the iPhone.  One big issue is that lack of any power saving features meaning that your iPhone will only run for around and hour with this version of Android.  So while your phone will be usable and allow you play around with Android on your iPhone, you won’t be able to use it as your daily phone.

If you want to install Android into your iPhone and give it a blast just to say that you’ve done it, head over to PCWorld, give it a try and let us know how it went!

Source: PCWorld