
Super Daddio brings classic Super Mario Bros back in a new Way

Every time I see Super Mario Bros. or a similar title I am quickly brought back to a simpler time in my life. When All I needed was a cube of Pepsi a couple of bags of chips, my NES and my half working 13″ TV. Back when I was the kid, back when all I had to do was play and keep my room clean. I miss those simple times. Now that I am almost 30, married and have 3 kids of my own running around I look for that reminder and an escape from the pressures of life every so often. It is great to see new takes on an old classic come to life again. That is what Super Daddio is all about.

Developer Glenn Bacon brings us all back to a simpler time in our lives where 2d, pixellated graphics rained supreme. Where running, jumping, collecting coins and grabbing a magic flower for fire power was the key to success. The Super Daddio has simple controls like the gaming day of old. You have left and right keys, a jump button and an action button. That is all you need for a good time. In this variation there are a few twists. You get an apple to be big, the flower remains for fire power and he added a jetpack for jumping higher and further. The sound is reminiscent of the original, but different enough to not get him into any trouble. The music is all original and was created by Gavin Harrison.

The game features 8 worlds with 7 levels to complete in each. Unlike its predecessor you collect coins merely for points, not to earn extra lives. You can die often and not worry about a Game Over popping up as you have unlimited lives. The time ticker seen in the bottom of the screen might scare you into hurrying your way through a level. Don’t be scared if you time is running short though, when it reaches zero you don’t die and have to start over. The faster you get through levels and the more time that is remaining is just extra points.

I played through the first few levels of world one and was addicted pretty quickly. Super Daddio is available now on the play store. You can snag a FREE version or drop $0.99 for the paid version. There is no mention in the game description if there is a difference between the two. I am waiting on a response from the developer if there is any difference at all. For now, fee free to grab the free version below and relive a little bit of your past with a different twist.

Update: The free version is ad supported. I didn’t see any pop up while I was playing though. The paid version has no ads.

Application: Super Daddio
Developer: Glenn Bacon
Cost: FREE