
Supposed Galaxy S IV Shows Up in New Hands-on Video

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Two more days my Android friends. Two more days and the Galaxy S IV will unveiled. The past two weeks have been nothing but leaked photos and screenshots. Now…we have a video. A hands-on video of the Galaxy S IV has apparently hit the web. First thing I noticed…the video has more dislikes than likes. It made me chuckle. Either people are hating what they see, or they do not believe this to be the actual Galaxy S IV.

In the video, we first see the device without a back. The person in the video then shows us the battery. He pops the battery in then puts the back, back on. The obvious Samsung logo is right there, which makes it seem legit. He turns it on and we just end up seeing the same ole’ chinese writing like we did in photos yesterday. Now, I do not see why people are going so crazy with this. I highly doubt Samsung is going to stir away from this Galaxy design format they have put forward since the Galaxy S III. They are sticking with plastic, period. I am more looking forward to the software of the thing. Not the shell of the phone. Check out the video below and let us know what you guys think.