
Supposed Moto E image makes an appearance on Facebook

Lets keep the momentum going with Motorola this fantabulous Friday. One device that we are all expecting Motorola to show off on May 13th is the Moto E. Talks around town place it as a more affordable option to the current Moto G and be mostly targeting emerging markets. The apparent image was posted on the Motorola Facebook page out of Mexico, so it would seem that the Moto E will end up down south.

Moto E
The Moto E is the white device sitting on the right and to the left we see the Moto G. It would appear that the Moto E is forgoing a front facing camera, at least in this particular leaked image. The overall device size is a little smaller as well. Which lines up with the leaked specs that we saw a while back pointing to a 4.3-inch device.

All should be revealed in just a few short days. Hopefully we get to have a look at the Moto X+1 and the Moto G Cinema during that same event.

What are your thoughts on the Motorola Moto E so far from the rumored specs and now supposed image of the device?

Source: Androidpolice