
T-Mobile G1 Entering Retirement

To my dearest G1,

We had a lot of good time you and I. From the second I saw you online, it was love at first sight.  I dreamed about having you in my hands and touching your screen. Searching the market for new things to try and share your wonders with the world. You have inspired many people and changed many lives. Cyanogen’s name will forever be infamous because of you and so will many others. Although you are heading to a better place you will not be forgotten. Goodbye friend.

Forever your friend,


I think a little piece of my heart just left with that announcement. After a mere 21 months on the market, the first Google phone is being put out to pasture. The phone that started it all. The phone that many of us purchased and were in AWE of. Showing everyone what it could do and what it represented. With technology jumping with leaps and bounds it doesn’t surprise me. We have come along way in the Android world since the G1. I know many of you still have it sitting next to you. Many of you still using it. Take care of the ole girl and she will take care of you.

I have no doubt there will be ROM’s still for quite a while since the My Touch 3G is selling and we all know its the same chip sets. So have no fear on getting your latest build from Cyanogen, Chromersmith, HTCCLAY or any other cooker out there. So just because she can’t be sold at the retailers anymore doesn’t mean its completely over.

How many of our viewers are still using their G1? Have you purchased something new but don’t dare sell it ?

Source: TmoNews