• Root
  • 14 October, 2010

T-Mobile G2 Source Code Quietly Released by HTC

After digging through HTC’s site, some helpful members of the Android community have found the kernel source code for the T-Mobile G2 and if you know what you’re doing, you can grab the kernel source here. Android modders that have been hard at work trying to crack the T-Mobile G2 have been waiting for this code as it is said to provide the answers to providing permanent root for this device.

T-Mobile recently made a statement regarding the added security, which was quickly debunked by highly respected members of the Android community and being that T-Mobile was sort of caught in a lie, we doubt we’ll hear any more about this issue from them. We’re sure there are some dedicated modders out there already at work with the newly released kernel source so it’s just a matter of time before we hear more about the G2 root.

Via: HTC, Android Police