
T-Mobile G2 Will Make an Appearance at the Big Android BBQ

If you have been listening to the AndroidGuys podcast, you may have just heard Kyle make an awesome announcement. T-Mobile has committed an unknown number of T-Mobile G2’s in support of the Big Android BBQ.

As if the Big Android BBQ wasn’t already the biggest Android event of the year, this will hopefully provide some of the attendees at the Big Android BBQ event their very own, FREE, T-Mobile G2.  It’s still not confirmed how many devices will be provided and HTC’s production schedule may be one deciding factor, but the fact that we are expected to have T-Mobile G2’s at the event is simply awesome.

We’ve been working our butts off getting schedules synchronized, sponsors lined up, guest speakers and much much more to make the Big Android BBQ “THE” event of the year.  We need your support to make it happen and help us to make this successful enough and then turning it into an annual event will be a possibility.  So please spread the word and let the community know this amazingly exciting news.  If you ever had a reason to get your wallet out and purchase your tickets, this is it!

Don’t forget to follow AndroidStory on twitter and facebook and especially the weekly give-a-way as we give out more FREE Big Androd BBQ tickets to the lucky winners.