
T-Mobile Galaxy Note already being canceled and hitting end of Life?

Well this is news that I don’t think any of us expected. The Samsung Galaxy Note launch on T-Mobile was a long await announcement. Granted it took much longer to make it to customers hands than any of us would have like to see. Rumors started flowing around April and later on a July release was suspected. It did finally go official on July 16th. Of course before the device was ever even announced by T-Mobile we all knew that the successor, the Note 2, was going to be announced and unveiled at IFA. For those of you that haven’t been paying attention, that starts next week.

We know a lot of you thought the same thing, “Why is T-Mobile trying to make a big deal about this device when the Note 2 will be announced in a month and a half?” It just didn’t make a lot of sense to bring a device that was already a year old on the market to the Magenta carrier. It didn’t look good for T-Mobile or their customers. T-Mobile hasn’t always been first to the gates with device, w all know that. But a few months late to the game happens, a year late to the game is more regional carrier style, not national carrier status.

So why all this talk? Well, the Note was recently removed from It raised a stink across the web, but speculation pointed to limited stock and instead of labeling as such they just pulled it down. Makes sense sort of, if the Note was your go to choice and it isn’t on the page, maybe you would just pull the trigger on the Galaxy S III instead. Now we get some new information from a source that AndroidPolice put a large amount of faith in. If they trust them, then so do we. Seems after having the device available and on the market for just barely over a month, T-Mobile is already pushing the device on to the End of Life list (EOL). Estimated date of the devices final days is estimated around November 1st. That is still contingent on whatever stock various stores have left on hand of course. Maybe we will see a crazy fire sale deal to get them off loaded.

It is still unclear on if this was T-Mobile’s decision or Samsung’s. T-Mobile did state they had a limited number in stock. While the Note is still a phenomenal device, T-Mobile should have been a little quicker to the rat race and pushed it out in April. Hopefully they won’t make that mistake with the Note 2 and this is why the Note is disappearing. We can only hope that they are going to be quick on the next device for their and our sake.

Source: AndroidPolice