
T-Mobile getting the Galaxy Nexus? Thought provoking tweet from Tony Hawk could prove Fruitful

You all remember Tony Hawk right? Arguably the king of skateboarding and one of the coolest dads around. He has been in video games tat we have spent hours playing, has his own clothing line and of course, has been the spokes person for T-Mobile a few times. Tony Hawk and T-Mobile have a pretty long-standing history together. Recently Mr. Hawk dropped a photo on twitter with a simple line of text, “I Love T-Mobile.” Atta boy Tony, so do I. Those three little words are nice to hear, but what is more compelling is the photo that was attached. Is that a Galaxy Nexus in his hands? Sure as heck is.

We have heard plenty of rumors that T-Mobile is in the process of snagging up the Nexus. Being that the device is GSM based it isn’t out of the realm of possibility. I have even heard various inside sources tell me it is coming but that they can’t tell me anything else. Does that mean Tony is running around with a T-Mobile Gnex? It is possible, carriers do get unannounced devices in celebrities hands early for sponsorship and branding.

On the other hand, one could easily say he just loves T-Mobile service and being the mega loaded fool and tech enthusiast he is, might have just bought an unlocked version. Hopes and dreams my fellow T-Mobilians.

Source Androidandme via Twitter