
T-Mobile Improves 4G Speeds and Signal Coverage in Major Markets

Who needs LTE? Yes, I do get that little bit of jealousy when my friend sends me screenshots of his LTE speeds, but I am pretty content with what T-Mobile has to offer in speeds. Now I mentioned before, that for 2 months, I worked for my uncle’s company that was contracted out to improve T-Mobile’s signal in SoCal. Here is phase one. Not only was it Socal, but Chicago, Sacramento, Fresno and Reno have been added to the list of markets with improved signal. This improvement means faster HSPA+ and overall signal coverage. You know how when you are inside a building and your signal goes to crap? This improvement is supposed to help that. With these 5 markets added to the list, it brings the enhanced network to 23 markets now. I think all of us T-Mobile users can be happy with that.

Now for those of you wondering about T-Mobile LTE, we will not be seeing it until fall of next year. When I worked for that company on these cell sites, we installed enhanced GSM radios with fiber running to them, but we also installed LTE radios. So LTE is somewhat there, but there will be another phase in which the cell sites will be enhanced to LTE. We also have to get phones with LTE chips built inside, which hopefully by then, the LTE is in numerous major markets so we do not get that dreaded LTE battery drain.

Source: Engadget