
T-Mobile Takes the Cake and Eats it too! Pay Full Cost and You Still Have to Finish Your Data Commitment

This can become a rather touchy subject really fast. Not to mention a bit confusing. So lets start at the beginning. Once upon a time, you could walk into a T-Mobile retail store and buy a device at full price with no contract and no data plan service required. This made people happy. If they wanted to shell out $500 for a phone, T-Mobile was OK with you doing that. No data plan only left you with WiFi options, but sometimes a data plan isn’t needed. The Magenta kingdom was happy and prospered.

Fast forward to today, or rather August 8th. If you walk into a T-Mobile store and buy a phone at full price, there is still no contract. But lets say you had a Sensation 4G with no insurance and you can’t afford to drop another 500 bones on a replacement. If you pick up a cheaper device to get you by for a few months, you are still obligated to pay for your contracted data service. At least that is how I am reading the flyer. I know this has turned into quite the debate at TMonews and a few other sites. We will see if we can get in contact with anyone that can speak to us openly about this and give you an update when possible. As with any new policy, this is subject to change and circumstances will out weigh policy at times. I know if I was still there and you bought a flip phone, I’d take that data off in a heart beat. Probably why I still don’t work there.

Source: TMonews