
T-Mobile tosses out HTC One coming soon and Galaxy S 4 hitting May 1st

My oh my what a crazy morning. Seems there has been one heck of an event that has unfolded with T-Mobile today. They have officially announced the new Simple Choice Plans that bring a no-contract world to forefront of the mobile industry. Taking all the guess-work and upgrade issues of the past and kicking them to the curb. All I have to say about that is “FINALLY!” But you aren’t here to talk plans, you are here about the HTC One and Galaxy S 4.

T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 4 release date
While we don’t have oodles of information, a few things were let loose during their event. The new HTC One device was given a ‘Coming Soon’ tag, which we all already knew. What is new information though is that you will be able to pick one up on the Simple Choice Plans for just $99 down. That should put your monthly payment towards the device between $18 and $20 for 24 months. Of course you can pay it off early and upgrade to another device any time also.

On the Samsung front for the Galaxy S 4, T-Mobile let loose a date for when it will be out. This is the first actual date that any U.S. carrier has put out publicly and officially. Be on the look out for the Galaxy S 4 on May 1st. They didn’t offer a pricing structure for the S 4 so it could go either direction. To keep it competitive with the HTC One, we assume it will come in at $99 down also with the same monthly payment arrangements.

I have been looking over the T-Mobile website for a little while now and I have to say, I am even more excited now then I was when I saw this was coming. For instance, you can snag a 32GB Samsung Galaxy S III for $109.99 down and $20 a month. That is stupidly awesome.

Via Tmonews