
T-Mobile’s HTC One S gets caught on Video

We know that HTC is banking big on their ‘One’ line of devices. With many carriers already slated to get one variant or another. Rumors put a One variant on Sprint’s network, along with already knowing AT&T and T-Mobile picking one up. AT&T is going to be getting the One X while T-Mobile is on the record for picking up the One S with rumors of a One X in the pipeline. While we know that all the current US variants will only be packing a dual-core Qualcomm S4 chipset, the speed tests and such are performing extremely well.

You can’t see any T-Mobile branding on the device its self, but at the 1:08 second marker you can clearly see the T-Mobile Mall and More for Me apps installed. That is doesn’t prove T-Mobile though. I can install both of those applications on the Galaxy Note from AT&T right now. If you take a closer look though when he opens the app drawer there are a number of apps that T-Mobile likes to bloat a device up with. Like 411 & more, T-mobile Name ID and their Visual Voicemail application.

His finger does slip up and pull away from the top left of the device. Stating that he needs to cover the serial number. Since the video image is a bit blurry, I couldn’t make anything out. feel free to see if you can, it is at the 1:11 to 1:12 marker in the video. The video does lead one to believe it is the HTC One S for T-Mobile, but I am not to sure about that whole Micro SIM business. To the best of my knowledge this would be the first T-Mobile device to sport that. There are other details about the device that seem a bit off to me. Like the HTC branding at the top where T-Mobile should be displayed. This is very easily just a test model that is out and about for network testing and other purposes, especially since there is a spot in the “About” section that states ‘test keys.’ After looking in a little further though, it looks a lot more like the international version with some T-Mobile software added in. We could be wrong, but I don’t take things at face value all that often.

So what do you guys think of the device and the video?

Source: Tmonews