
iPhone or iFail?

Comments from Simon: I normally tell our writers that this is an Android blog and please don’t post news related to other devices but when Asad submitted this...

HTC Aria Video Preview

Do you people remember the guy Dante Martin who teased us by showing off the AT&T upcoming Android device, which is manufactured by HTC called the...

HTC suing Apple now

Turnabout is fair play. Only a few months ago Apple sued HTC and filed a complaint, which is still under investigation, with the International Trade Commission...

Apple lawsuit moves forward, slightly

“Bad timing to announce on April 1st, but today the International Trade Commission (ITC) said they would begin investigating Apple’s complaints about HTC. If you haven’t...

Android will only ever be #2

I know yesterday I was talking about how I wasn’t ready to give up my G1, but things can change in a day.   After I...

The Hypocrisy of Apple’s Lawsuit against HTC

“We’ve Always Been Shameless About Stealing Great Ideas” –Steve Jobs It was inevitable that the competition would catch-up to Apple’s iPhone, and its App Store eventually....

An update to Applegate

You didn’t think Apple just rolled out of bed one day and decided to get litigious? Reports are coming out now that Apple was doing some...