Motorola Droid X

Froyo Ready For The Droid X

The Froyo roll out may be imminent as the Verizon Support page shows the long awaited Android 2.2 for the Motorola Droid X is finally ready. A few...

Fail Ray Hits the Droid X in Best Buy Ad

It seems that marketing teams throw everything they have at promoting devices and while advertising works, sometimes they can throw curve balls like what has happened...

Droid X Does “Thank You”

To those of you who own a Motorola Droid X, you might want to check your doorstep occasionally. A lucky Droid X owner has received a...

The Motorola Droid X Gets Overclocked

Thanks to a dedicated member of the Android community, an overclock method for the Droid X has been found. Much like the Motorola Milestone, an injectible...