T-Mobile MyTouch 3G Slide

HTC Evo 4G Defeated by MyTouch 3G Slide?

A huge upset in the latest competition from the 2010 Android CUP hosted by blog.laptopmag.com, the Sprint HTC Evo 4G just can’t win against the T-Mobile MyTouch...

myTouch 3G Slide reviewed

Contemplating getting a MT3G Slide? Engadget has a review of the device, and as usual it’s very thorough. The myTouch Slide is the latest version of...

MyTouch 3G Slide Confirmed to get Android 2.2

First we received the rumor and then almost immediately had it confirmed by 2 separate sources that that MyTouch 3G Slide will be getting the Android 2.2 update.  T-Mobile will...