
TagsforDroid gives us slick Android themed programmable NFC tags that are Stellar

So there you are rocking you super bad new Samsung Galaxy S III, or other NFC enabled device. It is cool to know you have it, but you may not know what to do with it. In my situation, I can’t use it to do anything. I live in a small town, I have T-Mobile so Google Wallet is out, all my friends have older devices and hardly anyone around even knows what NFC is. There will come a time when I can explore its options and abilities, like at CES in January, but for now I am limited to seeing the settings in my device. That is where programmable NFC tags can be fun for personal use and for travel.

Enter This great little company has a fantastic looking Android themed NFC tag that you can pick up and play around with. They are lust a little big bigger than a quarter in size and have huge potential for information. Most NFC tags you can pick up currently offer up 44 bytes to 144 byes of space. These bad boys are a whopping 752 bytes. You can use them for everything from setting up check-in for Google Latitude to Foursquare. You can load it up with social network information or even switches for your device settings. For instance, i talked with an Android buddy who has a tag at his front door and one at his work desk. He simple taps his phone when he is at those locations and setting change on his phone for him. Pretty nifty little idea.

Another slick little feature is that unless you lock the tag, you can reprogram it when ever you want. Makes shelling out a little cash to have some around for business trips or personal use a little more do able. That and you know that if you mess it up you can fix it and not waste money.

TagsforDroids offers a few various bundle packages that you can purchase. Each with its own little perk. Mostly just more tags, a free keychain and a sticker sheet. The sticker sheets offer up 12 vinyl stickers to help you differentiate your tags without having to use a sharpie. The keychain is its own little programmable tag too. They do look pretty great. We are thinking about picking some up for our trip to CES 2013. Would sure make getting our info to someone a little easier than handing out business cards that get lost all the time.

Head over to to take a look over the product and get some NFC tags ordered. They sure look a little more fun then the TecTiles from Samsung and they help show off your Android colors too. Enjoy.

Via RootzWiki