• Rumor
  • 21 February, 2014

Talks of an Amazon Set Top Box are Revived Once Again

Amazon Set Top Box
The rumors that Amazon was working on a set top box to sell to consumers have been floating around for about a year now. Obviously we don’t have one yet, but it doesn’t mean that one isn’t on the way. According to recode, “Amazon is currently gearing up to take on Apple and Roku, again.

Sources are saying that Amazon is shooting for a possible March announcement. Unsurprisingly they say the software side of things will be Android powered with their forked version Kindle style overlay. I fully expect it to look fairly similar to how your Kindle looks, but on your TV. I also expect them to offer an app to use your Kindle as a remote to control it too.

Details as far as size, cost and internal specs are still guarded.  Speculations also are arising that it is possible that Amazon will be including some sort of gaming function as well. They have been hiring game developers as of late and a side report last month pointed towards a possible game box too.

It is such a hard side of the industry to really stand out in. Google did amazing with the launch of the Chromecast at just $35. With the recent release of the SDK and the APIs, we are starting to see more and more apps taking advantage of it. I have no doubt that Amazon Instant Prime will never offer cast support, especially if they are going to be bringing their own box to market. Are there enough die hard Amazon users to warrant a sepperate set top box for access to the video library? If they are making a gaming side to it, would that make you consider it at least?

Source: Recode via PhandroidÂ