
Team Meat reveals Super Meat Boy Forever at PAX Prime 2014

super meat boy foreverIt all makes sense now. After teasing something called ‘A Voyeur for September‘ which would be shown at PAX Prime 2014, Team Meat has instead announced Super Meat Boy Forever, a refreshed version of its similarly named Super Meat Boy. Some very astute people actually worked out quite early on that ‘A Voyeur for September‘ is actually an anagram for Super Meat Boy Forever, unlike us who were genuinely thrown off by Team Meat’s claim of developing a “live-action stealth game”.

Super Meat Boy Forever looks like it’s going to be coming to PC and tablets, but a release date has yet to be specified. We’re guessing it’s going to be much of the same frenetic, frustrating (in a good way) gameplay that made the original game such a fantastic game, which is great for tablets, and it is said to be an “auto-runner”, in the vein of endless side-scrolling runners, but not endless. Hopefully more details are divulged about Super Meat Boy Forever as PAX Prime 2014 wears on so keep your eyes peeled.

Are you excited by the prospect of Super Meat Boy Forever on tablets? Let us know your thoughts.

Source: Joystiq via Pocketgamer