• News
  • 20 November, 2011

Tegra 3 battery saving tech looks the same but increases Life

If you are sitting around just biding your time to get your hands on a Transformer Prime, you are not alone. A question that has popped into our mind, as well as many others, how will a quad-core chip battery performance be. One would think quad-cores would suck the life right out of your battery in half the time of a dual-core. That isn’t going to be the case in the new Tegra 3. Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun took to the stage yesterday to talk about what they call DIDIM.

One the largest battery drain elements of our devices is the screen. We are all familiar with Auto-Brightness and many of us will manually adjust the display brightness on our own. To the general public DIDIM is sort of like Auto-Brightness, but with a kick. It will adjust the backlight of an image by pixel per frame. Adding up to some serious battery savings.

Just like with camera technology, the human eye won’t be able to even see that DIDIM is running. You won’t notice your screen brightness changing rapidly or images being brighter than others. On the user side the only thing you will notice is the promised 40% battery life increase.The Tegra 3 processor will consume 1-2 watts where as a typical display consumes 3-6 watts

All in all, users should see much better performance from their Tegra 3 devices. Not only in the graphics and speed department but in power consumption as well.

Source: Androidandme