
TexTab not the Only Tablet Texting App Out There

Yesterday we posted up an article about TextTab by Hewettl. Later that evening I received an email form a tipster letting me know there was another application currently available in the market that also accomplishes its goal.

d0lph1nk1ng created an app called SyncSMS. The sole purpose is to allow your phone to communicate to your tablet and allow you to send and receive text’s. TexTab actually accomplishes this operation via Bluetooth. SyncSMS will communicate using 3G or WiFi and sync the messages through dropbox. This of course allows you to by bass the distance requirements for Bluetooth transmission. If you don’t happen to have a dropbox account yet, I suggest you sign up for a free one before you give this app a whirl.

Our tipster, James, has been using this app for quite a while and has great things to say about it. “Yeah, SyncSMS is awesome! I mean, look at the ratings, they speak for themselves. The developer of this app is very responsive as well.” I think that pretty much sums it up.

I also highly recommend you head on over to d0lph1nk1ng’s XDA-Developers thread do check out the change log and all instructions for setting up this application correctly.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the SyncSMS application. You can also find out info and share the application with your friends on the AndroidStory App Site.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: SyncSMS
Developer: d0lph1nk1ng
Cost: $2.99

Thanks for the head up James!