
The 4G Wars Continue, Clearwire Steps onto the Battlefield

We are all familiar with the 4G war that ensued right after the release of the T-Mobile ad that directly poked iPhone and AT&T. I personally enjoy the banter that has ensued from this marketing campaign.

Today was the Verizon LTE conference call announcing the release of their LTE service, which adds another carrier into the mix of the 4G war. Clearwire wasted no time in combating Big Red’s claims to fame. If you take a look at the PDF they put out directly comparing Clearwire to Verizon’s LTE, you can easily come to your own conclusions.

Clear can support more customers at a better rate and is truly unlimited. It is basically a plus for Sprint since they have partnered with Clearwire to bring their LTE service to the masses. With every carrier and every new technology, there will always be a battle. Competition is the life blood of the top four carriers in the nation.

What’s your take on this whole 4G battle? Does it really matter to you or are you more interested in rates and devices?  Leave us your thoughts below.

Source: Androidguys