
The Blue Drone Brings R/C to Android

There is no shortage of gadgetry out there in the world. I have seen some crazy things paired up with Android devices. Somethings that will never be available to anyone but the team playing with the idea and other things that have a real shot at success. I would love to file this under the success section but it will take some donations.

Over at, you can toss up your project ideas and get the world to help “kickstart” your dream into real life action. That is exactly what Blue-Drone is doing. This little creation is the work of Stephen Mark out of Utah. He has taken the concept of an R/C car, added Bluetooth connectivity, supplied an Android App and given office toys a new meaning.

The application has two capabilities. You can either use the on screen steering wheel to control your vehicle or you can switch over to the accelerometer. Either option you choose works very well. The car is connected to your device via Bluetooth and gives you a good 30 foot range of control. For power, the Blue-Drone uses 3 AA batteries and boasts up to 3 hours of play time. Check out the video below.

If you are interested in investing in this product, you can head on over to to make your pledge. The dollar amounts vary as does the payback you receive. If you drop a cool $60 in you will be getting one of these bad boys. If you want to contribute $25 you get a Blue-Drone t-shirt.

What do you guys think? If this was sitting on the shelf at your local Radioshack or even Carrier store, would you pick one up just for fun?

Source: Kickstart