
The First Android Gaming Challenge: Who Wants a FREE Android Phone!

This is not your typical chance to win a free phone by re-tweeting hash tags or adding your name to a list. This is a full on contest of skill. The rules are fairly lengthy, so I suggest you head on over to droidgamers to catch all the details of the challenge. To sum up, there will be 5 games played over 5 days. At the end of 5 days the top 40 players will battle it out in an elimination ladder.  You then will have 24 hours to beat your opponent’s high score or you will be eliminated. Every day that you are still in the tournament you will play a different game, so don’t get too comfortable on the game you just learned. Be prepared to play games from all genres such as puzzle, action, shooter and more.

This looks like a pretty promising event. While the prize list is still unknown, DroidGamers aims to make is sweet

“Prizes will range from free games, gear and swag all the way up to the grand prize package. The grand prize package for the champion of AGC #1 will be a whole bunch of items including a brand new Android phone of your choice, provided by! We will post an official prize list before the tournament starts.”

Along the way you will get to play some great games, as well as some games that have been modified for the challenge. The games will be free and will include some paid games that will be available for free for the contestants. I already signed up, have you? Good luck to everyone else that participates, I look forward to beating you.

Source: AndroidReviewer and Droidgamers