
The Google+ Cheat Sheet

Who doesn’t love Google+? I assume the only negative answer would come from anyone currently not using the service. Like with any new service, application, game or anything new in our hands, there is a learning curve to adjust to. Things like how to navigate, what the buttons do and what hotkeys can I use to speed up my interaction.

With a lot of help and many people sharing everything on the new G+ service, it didn’t take long for a cheat sheet to pop up. If you have been on the beta since it was launched, then chances are you have seen this float through your stream a few times. For the thousands of people that get invited each day, you might be a little lost and over whelmed.

Mashable took the time to work their way back to the original poster of the cheat sheet to give him some credit and post it on their site for permanent viewing. A great big ‘Thank You’ is in order for Simon Laustsen, who put this out there to help everyone get a little more from G+.

This isn’t everything you can do of course, but it is a great place to start. I’ll periodically post up some information and helpful tips and tricks from various people as G+ progresses to global take over.

Source: Mashable