• News
  • 26 October, 2010

The Home Stretch – Breast Cancer Auction ends SOON!

If you haven’t read, heard, or watched someone talk about the eBay Auctions of a pink Android Beanie for Breast Cancer Awareness, it’s high time you found out. The really great team at AndroidBeanies.com in cooperation with Keyan Mobli (@kmobs from Team Douche) and the guys at RadioAndroid.net have setup an auction on eBay for a Pink Android Beanie with matching sunglasses and earbuds. The auction has been heavily broadcasted across a dozen Android websites, and webcasts. The response has been huge, but we know it can get even bigger. The Auction has halted at $405 for the last few days, and while additions have been made to “sweeten the deal”, the last 24 hours will include a significant push from all of the sites to get out there an bid. Keep your eyes here, as we update for any additional bonuses to being the winning bigger. Good Luck!

You can view the auction here.