
The Honeycomb 3D Project; Eye Candy at its Finest

If you thought you had a hard time putting your device down now, wait till you get a look at this super sexy theme. It is called the Honeycomb 3d project and is being meticulously put together by moneymike55 over at XDA. It has been built for any Android device or tablet that can currently run and support the ‘theme chooser’ app. Most notably is any device sporting any CM7 build. Take a look below at a few of the screen shots.

Honeycomb 3D Project Screen Shot 03 Honeycomb 3D Project Screen Shot 01 Honeycomb 3D Project Screen Shot 02

Honeycomb 3D Project Screen Shot 05 Honeycomb 3D Project Screen Shot 07 Honeycomb 3D Project Screen Shot 04

So beautiful. This theme is still in its BETA stage, so there is still lots of things this developer wishes to accomplish. He is even looking for some more devs to work with him in this project, especially someone that is good with xml and using the theme engine.

If this theme even remotely looks like something you are interested in, I highly suggest you head on over to his XDA page to get a closer look. He has full instructions, market links and add on packages for you to get your hands on. To much good stuff for me to list here. Get going over to the Android Theme thread and get started on making that phone or tablet beautiful.

Source: XDA