
The New Samsung Exynos 5420 Gets Pitted Against The Nexus 10

exynos 5420A few days ago, we found out that Samsung would start mass producing the successor to its current Exynos 5 Octa processor in August, we’ve been treated to a benchmark that the folks at engadget were lucky enough to get while at SIGGRAPH 2013. They managed to find a reference tablet that was running the new Exynos 5420, which they’ve pitted against one of the big boys of the current tablet guard, the Nexus 10:

If you decided to skip the video, I think you should definitely reconsider. Simply put, the Exynos 5420 destroys Exynos 5 Dual chip in the Nexus 10, essentially doubling the Nexus 10’s score and looks every bit the processor for next-gen tablets. One match-up I would love to see is the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 pitted against the new Samsung chip in a battle of the next-gen titans. It really is going to be an exciting finish to the year as we see these high powered chips going into new tablets and hopefully smartphones too.

Does this video excite you about the potential of the Exynos 5420? Suddenly, I feel like I want the next Samsung tablet. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: engadget