
The next Motorola Droid Razr, the Blade, images Leak

If you are a fan of Motorola or not, you should still be able to agree that mixing the famous DROID name with the equally famous RAZR name was a smart move. Bringing the only two device names that did phenomenal for Motorola into one device. It worked of course and people bought it. Then comes the RAZR MAXX. What many, including myself, thought should have been the RAZR to begin with. It looks like Motorola is going everything in its power to keep the tradition alive with another RAZR styled device. This would make the 3rd version to be available from them this year and it is only March.

The newest little tid-bit comes straight from the same Chinese based site that brought out the DROID Fighter photos. The translation of the page names the device as the Blade. How awesome would that be to say, “Ya, I have a RAZR Blade.” It is very likely that the translation could be incorrect, but still comical either way. The photos look pretty similar to the Fighter leaks that surfaced last week.  Which isn’t all that surprising since we only saw the front of the device last time. Again we see a lack of hardware keys and leads to ICS being pre-loaded on this one. The Blade, looks to have the same kevlar backside as its predecessors. With the exception that it extends all the way to the edges of the device including the camera area.

There isn’t any apparent carrier branding on the images leaked for this particular device. This could be the 4th RAZR branded device or just another Fighter variant. What are your thoughts? Is Motorola on a fast track to burn up the DROID RAZR name a little too fast?

Source: PhoneHK via AndroidAuthority