
The Samsung Galaxy S6 Mini gets spotted by blurrycam

As inevitably as there is a Galaxy S device released by Samsung, there is always a Galaxy S Mini release to follow. Today, we are apparently getting our first look at the smaller version of the Galaxy S6, the Samsung Galaxy S6 Mini, and well, there’s not much to tell in the photo apart from the fact it looks very similar to the Galaxy S6. With no point of reference, we can’t really say how much smaller it is than the Galaxy S6, but history tells us we’d likely be looking at a device in the 4.5-inch region. Check out the photos that were included in the leak below:

Based on previous Mini devices from Samsung, we can expect to see significantly scaled down hardware for an accordingly shrunk premium price. What’s interesting is that the rumours are pointing at the Galaxy S6 Mini being announced sometime in August – it just so happens that Samsung is apparently going to have an event to announced the Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge Plus in August, so we can probably expect the Galaxy S6 Mini to make an appearance there too.

What do you think about the Samsung Galaxy S6 Mini? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Phone Arena