
The see-through back cover on this Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is awesome

While some people like to customize their devices with cases and stickers – like this Iron Man-themed Samsung Galaxy Note 4 - others like to make hardware modifications to their devices. Someone on Reddit has had the unique idea of removing the coloured backing of their Samsung Galaxy Note 5, leaving just a transparent back cover that reveals the innards of the device to the world.

Samsung Galaxy Note 5Of course, there are a few tricks to know in case you want to attempt the same feat: since the back of the Note 5 is non-removable, the poster had to heat up the back of the device with a heat gun, have something like a suction cup to get a good grip and pull the back cover off, and then scraping off the inside of the back cover with a razor blade. It sounds simple, but it’s probably not for the faint-hearted, especially for those who don’t like doing things to devices that aren’t intended design – plus, taking to your super-expensive smartphone with a heat gun isn’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea. Then again, we’d love to know if any of you try this and have success.

What do you think about this customized Samsung Galaxy Note 5? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: reddit via Droid-life