
There are 30 devices using the Snapdragon 820 being developed now

We’ve already heard about the heroics of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820, suffice to know that it will blow the Snapdragon 810 out of the water with its hands tied behind its back – for those concerned about actual numbers, we’re talking 40% lower power consumption and 40% faster graphics, to name a few. So it’s no surprise that there will be quite a few next generation flagship devices using the new processor, but a new report has suggested that there are already 30 devices using the Snapdragon 820 which are undergoing development right now.

That is a surprisingly high uptake among manufacturers, and rarer still that we get to hear about it before the devices are actually released. By the same token, it’s not surprising given the issues that the Snapdragon 810 had during its early days with rumours of overheating, so a more stable platform was always going to get more attention and be adopted more widely. We’re still months away from seeing a device with the new processor in it – Qualcomm says H1 2016, just to be vague – but from the sounds of it, the Snapdragon 820 is definitely the chip to be looking for come the new year.

What do you think about the uptake of the Snapdragon 820? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Weibo via Phandroid