
This $19.99 OnePlus iPhone case will net you a OnePlus X invite

No doubt many of you will be confused about the title of this article, but don’t be alarmed – it’s just a OnePlus marketing campaign. In a bid to presumably win over iPhone users this Holiday season, OnePlus is trying to cash in on its greatest resource – its fans. The strategy is thus – if you buy a OnePlus iPhone case for $19.99 USD (it’s compatible with an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6S), the case will also come with a free invite for the recently released OnePlus X. I’m assuming this is the case (pun not intended), otherwise if the invite is locked to the person that buys the case, that kind of puts them $20 out of pocket if they buy the case for the iPhone and then the OnePlus X. Well, actually, it puts them however-many-dollars-the-iPhone-cost out of pocket.

This campaign definitely showcases OnePlus’ textbook bravado, but it’s yet another that might have missed the mark. Owners of the iPhone 6 and 6S will only be coming off a year, maybe even a year and a few months, with Apple’s flagship device, and while we would love nothing more than people changing from iOS to Android, we’re not sure the $249 USD OnePlus X holds a torch to the iPhone as a whole package. That’s my opinion though – for all I know, this might be a genius ploy to get all frustrated iPhone owners onto a OnePlus X, but we’ll let the numbers talk for themselves somewhere down the track.

What do you think about the OnePlus iPhone case marketing campaign? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: OnePlus via Mashable